Grandma Regi 7th January 2011

Ibrahim Bash-Taqi Junior same as his Dad, so his mum pet named him Ditto and the name stuck. He is the first to families, son, grandson, and nephew. Oh no death, we cannot talk about him the past, even now when two or more of us are together it’s all pleasant memories, the only sad bit is where you come in you have succeeded in removing him from us physically but we will always keep our memories. You remember Dit, on the 21st November, getting our dinner and I just told you that day was the 59th anniversary of my first cousin’s death. We had both lived with our grandmother and though she lived a further twenty years, she never stopped missing him till the day she died. He was only 11 at the time and I 8 yrs old, same as Anais, but I remember – 59 years on. Little did we know you would start your journey the next day and that the kiss that morning was our last. When you were little, I was always telling you that you are my best friend in the whole wide world and how much I love you. I smile whenever I see you little face in confusion. You had just started school and making friends. How could you tell me you had other friends? That was easy – I explained one could have many more than one friend; and because you are my best friend, does not necessarily make me your best friend. He took it in good part and compartmentalised his relationships. Every relationship was different. He exuded love and warmth. He gave us good as he received. If one could survive on love, he would be here now, but he is you know .Take me for example I have 17 years of memories to start with and he told me what his aspirations were, so you see death cannot interfere with that. I went with him to face book when I could not get to speak to him on the phone and I enjoyed the face book experience. So if you see me smiling to myself, shedding tears or even laughing out loud, I am not losing it I am just in our private world.